Ep 17: Simple Summer

June 24, 2020

Before the episode starts Sondra addresses the killing of George Floyd an the many other men and women that have been wrongfully killed.

A few weeks ago, host Sondra Doty took a pause on her social media accounts and podcast episodes; taking time to listen and learn from black voices. Like the intro states, she started this podcast “to have real everyday conversations that many aren’t willing to have.” Sondra apologizes for not pointing out or speaking up against past injustices. When she moved to Minneapolis 20 years ago from small town Iowa-from a place with little to no diversity-a whole world opened up to her she never really knew. It’s been 20 years of learning, listening, growing, gaining more understand, and realizing where she was wrong. This can be hard and uncomfortable work, but it’s important to unpack privilege and bias.

Sondra encourages listeners to do the work, examine their hearts and see where more growth is needed. Word To Your Mothers will be examining how it can aid in doing episodes/work that creates change in the areas of racial equality and justice.

Are you looking for ways to help Minnesota BIOPOC directly?

MN Healing Justice Network. https://www.minnesotahealingjusticenetwork.com/

@momsdishmn podcast has teamed up with @anaitachampion from @ tcmobilemommy to collectively raise $10,000 for emergency supplies to organizations supporting BIPOC. You can donate directly to their Venmo-MomsDishMN

So, we made it to summer, but now what? Not gonna lie, when we started the whole distance learning adventure, summer felt forever away and not here we are a few weeks into it. The reality is there are still many restrictions, posing varying challenges for experiencing summer;…which got host Sondra Doty thinking for episode 17, what would a simple summer look like for her family, and maybe yours too.

Sondra has always tired to keep summer very simple and not over-scheduled, but i’s this year’s forced simplification doesn’t really seem, well, simple. There are many can’t-dos: library, zoo, music in the park, pools, T-ball, etc. The list can seem overwhelming and disappointing to say the least.

Here are a few suggestions in the podcast Sondra makes to help with simplifying summer.

Nature walks: This has been a love of her family even before the world turned upside down. So, Sondra still plans on going on mini-adventures with her two boys-going to places familiar and brand new. Her boys have a small nature collection of rocks, sticks and other things gathered from many previous walks. Such walks’ benefits are twofold: they provide a natural pause and escape while also unveiling some free keepsakes!

Reading: Personally, Sondra feels like summer is one of the only times she can really dig deep into a book. There is something about reading in the summer-by the lake, outside or on a deck-it just makes her heart happy. Here are two books she is reading now: “Ready To Rise” by Jo Saxton, and “There I am, The Journey From Hopelessness to Healing,” by Ruthie Lindsey. For her boys, it’s required to do reading before they can watch shows in the summer. This way, they can help build a love for reading and understand it’s importance for creative thought and reflection. Sondra and her boys have a rest time in the afternoon, where they grab blankets and spend time reading. the library will be missed this summer, but they’ll make it work.

Art: Take a deep breath, it doesn’t have to be anything Pinterest-or Estsy-worthy. Just simply drawing, water-coloring or even doing nature art is therapeutic. Buy a little journal for your child to draw on your nature walks! Watercolors are peaceful and a great tool to help a child learn how to sit still. Even, if it’s just for a moment. You can buy a simple kit at any art store.

Sondra is sad to think of some of the things they will not be able to enjoy this summer, but she really is trying to look at the more and not the less: More backyard fires, more time running through the sprinkler, more time with family, more conversations, and more of a slower pace of life, perhaps.

So, where can you find the more in the time of less? Let’s soak up a simple summer and not worry so much of what our humans are missing. This truly is a time they will remember for the rest of their lives.


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